
Please Join Us in Congratulating Caiwen Ding and Derek Aguiar on Their Grant Awards

caiwen ding

Making AI More Secure with Privacy – Preserving Machine Learning

Congratulations to CSE Assistant Professor Caiwen Ding who, in collaboration with Wujie Wen from Lehigh University and Xiaolin Xu from Northeastern University, was awarded a $1.2M NSF grant for “Accelerating Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning as a Service: From Algorithm to Hardware.” This research project focuses on the design of efficient algorithm-hardware co-optimized solutions to accelerate privacy-preserving machine learning on diverse hardware platforms.

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derek aguiar

New NSF CAREER Awardee: Algorithmic and Statistical Modeling of Haplotypes

Congratulations to CSE Assistant Professor Derek Aguiar who was awarded an NSF CAREER award titled “Practical algorithms and high dimensional statistical methods for multimodal haplotype modelling.” This project addresses major challenges in computational biology and applied machine learning by innovating new robust mathematical models that make few assumptions and efficient training algorithms to leverage massive and complex cellular data.

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